餘談/음악의 세계

Monette B6 Trumpet Mouthpiece & CONN CONNSTELLATION copperbell Trumpet

펜과잉크 2010. 4. 10. 01:06




어제 부산의 홍영철 님이 보내주신 Monette B6 Trumpet Mouthpiece! 탁월한 음색이 특징이다.



B6 This extremely popular mouthpiece is versatile enough for many players to use for jazz, classical, and lead playing. It is the shallowest mouthpiece we make that is still designed for the classically trained player. With a medium bite to the rim and an efficient cup shape, it is a favorite all-around mouthpiece, popular with students and professionals alike.







Monette B6 Trumpet Mouthpiece








 CONN CONNSTELLATION copper-bell Trumpet